“Falling in love the 1st time: The Love That Looks Right, Falling in love the 2nd time: The Hard Love, Falling in love the 3rd time: The Love that Lasts” (Herman). I know they say that we only fall in love two or three times in our lifetime. However, I do think it is possible that we fall in love many times, even from as young as the age of five. I think when you are young, there are so many new things to experience, new things to come to fruition and new things that pose questions for a young kid. When we are little, those new things can be as simple as the rainbow coming out on a rainy day, or seeing your new favorite dress in a window while walking down the street with mom. It is impossible for young kids not to fall in love with the little things, when the little things are so big to them.
As a little girl, I was sure as hell dead-set on whoever it was that I had a crush on. In pre-school, having a crush, and feeling that being reciprocated by someone else makes your heart happy and your face red. In Kingdergarten, when you share a laugh with someone on the playground and you suddenly fall in love with them. When you are younger, falling in love is wanting to have a million play dates with the same person over and over again and never wanting to stop because that is all you know. The only difference between that and when you fall in love as a mature being/adult is that you want to spend the rest of your life with that person, you want to share a home with them, and you might even want to start a family of little kids who will fall in love on the playground just like you once did. So, really? Can they say that you only fall in love three times in your life? Can they really say, you’ll only experience it when you’ve matured and you are ready to? Because I think love comes out of nowhere and it is there to open the parts of yourself that you have never been aware of. And I think that is beautiful.
P.S. - I was going to post this for Valentine's Day but I did not officially publish the site by then. Hope it's still good haha.